The Club Committee

The management of The Farmers Club is entrusted to a Committee of Management known as the Club Committee.  The Committee consists of Members of the Club and meets four times per annum and is responsible for general oversight and governance of the Club, providing direction and support to the Executive Management.  The Club Committee consists of 4 Trustees, 6 Honorary Officers and 15 elected Club members who are also allocated to the Finance, House, Membership and Communications Sub Committees.

A Committee Member serves for a minimum of 3-years but can be re-elected for a second term of three years.  At the 6-year point, Committee Members must stand down for 3-years before electing to rejoin.  The commitment is not onerous and is actually extremely rewarding and opens up a wider network of Members and Guests from across the agricultural community.

If you are interested in joining the Club Committee, please contact Brigadier Didi Wheeler, Chief Executive and Club Secretary who will be happy to provide further details:
W: +44 (0)20 7930 3751

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